Wednesday, 12 August 2015

What's in my school bag 2015 | Erin ✍

Unfortunately, I'm going back to school tomorrow. The summer has gone way too fast for me. It feels like I just finished yesterday! So I thought I'd do a blogpost on what's in my school bag. Hopefully this will help some of you get organised; so you're not rushing about the week before.

School Bag

School bags are always hard for me. I'm so picky when it comes to them so for me, the best option was buying one online. I browsed through the 'Hype' website and found a few which I really loved. Most of them are £25 each which is pretty expensive so before you think of buying one, shop about. I found a website that done the same bag I wanted for £13. Also, a rucksack was a yes for me because last year I had a handbag but because I had so many folders it got so sore on my shoulder. If you feel like you'll have a lot of things going into your bag, I'd 100% recommend buying a bagpack. 


I got my pencil case off eBay and a lot of my stationary as well, it's so much cheaper! Tesco is also so good for stationary and I got all my folders from there. Remember the basics though: pens, pencils, rubber & ruler. I also suggest buying packets of them as throughout the year, everyone somehow ends up loosing all of them. Well I know I do!😂

Cosmetics Bag

I try and remember to bring powder with me, for using after PE. I don't want to look like a greasy tomato! But make sure you keep it hidden as then everyone want to use it. 😉 Also a MUST is diode-rent. Preferably roll on as then, no one will want to use it! The worst is when it's all gone so soon because everyone forgets their own and uses yours. Another thing to help you smell nice is just some body spray. I got mine from H&M and it was only £3!! And it also smells exactly like 'Pure Seduction' but VS! 


If your school doesn't do their own diaries, then you need to purchase one!! In school, especially in further years, you need to stay organised! The worst thing is completely forgetting about your homework and realising the period before. Purchasing a diary to keep track of assignments and coursework can reduce the stress; so you know when things need to be done and handing in, creating a schedule for you and time relax.


Be sure to keep your timetable on you. Make sure to have a written/printed copy with you and also, if you bring your phone to school, download a timetable app. This will be good for quickly checking it. But make sure to use the paper copy in class so you don't get in trouble  because you went on your phone! 

Sanitary Items 

This is a MUST! There's nothing worse than Mother Nature surprising you half way through school, and you have nothing for it!
Keep some pads/tampons in a pocket, possibly in your blazer, that is easily accessible. 

Water Bottle

This is one of the most important. Staying hydrated helps you concentrate more & helps with so many other things such as your skin. Make sure to drink at least a bottles worth throughout the school day. This will make you feel so much better and also keep you from feeling dehydrated which will affect your performance. If you're not a big fan of water on its own, I suggest trying fruit infused water. Maybe put a few lemon slices in your bottle to make it more fun and motivate you to drink more water.

So that's it. Try not to worry about school. If you stay organised and do as you're told, there's nothing to be worried about. Happy holidays! Enjoy the time you have left, because it will go by so quick.

~ Erin x


  1. Great post! I love your pencil case its really cute!I definitely agree with getting planner. I made sure I brought one for college when they didn't give us one!

  2. This may sound weird but I LOVE buying stationary for school! Lovely post


    1. Me too! Its the best part of going back!!
